Candidate forum with four of the five Virginia Republican US Senatorial candidates already confirmed. It will be May 17, Friday morning – held at Victory Worship Center (200 Hammond Ln, Staunton, VA 24401).
Folks are welcome to come at 815-845am for fellowship, food and a chance to meet the candidates that arrive early.
The forum will start at 9:00am and end around 10:30am. They will be live streaming the forum (link coming son). Of the candidates on the ballot, only Hung Cao will not be able to attend. We have selected Steve Landes to be the moderator. More information will be forth coming on Monday, 28 April.
This is the first time that any of us can remember a forum held in the 6th for statewide candidates. We would love to pack the house and establish this a requisite event for statewide candidates. Please help us do this.
Please submit questions for the candidates to: