Page County Republican Mass Meeting
Tuesday, May 16, 2023
Luray VFW, 281 Veterans Lane, Luray, 22835
Registration: 6:00 – 6:30pm
Meeting: 6:30 – 7:30pm
The purpose of the Mass Meeting is to nominate candidates for:
Page County Clerk of Court
Commissioner of Revenue
Commonwealth Attorney
Page County Sheriff
Treasurer of Page County
Board of Supervisors Seats
Each winning candidate will be listed on the ballot in the November 7 election as a Republican.
All Republican Candidates in Page County will be voted in the Mass Meeting. There is no proxy voting or early voting. You must show up to vote. Candidates speak on behalf of their candidacy, then voting begins. Voting is by paper ballot. Winners are announced after ballots are tallied at the conclusion of the Mass Meeting.
Currently, there a few open positions (meaning no Republican candidate has declared their candidacy):
District 3 Board of Supervisors
District 4 Board of Supervisors
Treasurer of Page County
The deadline has passed to declare candidacy and be voted for at the Mass Meeting, but you can still be a candidate. Please attend the Mass Meeting for more details. If you have any questions, please contact your District Chair, which can be found HERE.