Letter from the GOP Chair…

November 9, 2023

Good Day Page County Republicans,

On Tuesday, Page County turned out a potential record number of voters for an off-year election. We had greater than 53% of our 17,244 voter base cast their ballots, or approximately 9200 persons when one combines, early voting, absentee votes, provisional votes and those who chose to vote on election day.

Congratulations to the six candidates who won their races. As of 9 Nov, the unofficial results are as follows:

Chad Cubbage, reelected as Sheriff with 4,592 votes.

Bryan Cave, reelected as Commonwealth Attorney with an impressive 7,587 votes.

Rebecca Smith, reelected as Commissioner of Revenue with 5,526, over 2,500 more votes than her opponent.

Allen Louderback, reelected as Member Board of Supervisors (District 2) with 948 votes.

Issac B. Smelser, elected as Member of Board of Supervisors (District 4) with 1,349 votes.

Michael Overfelt, elected as Member School Board, (District 2) with 1,450 votes.

Our best to Shirron who, while she did not win, put up a valiant and commendable fight in the face of significant personal tragedy. We all wish her well and are saddened by the loss of her husband, who passed away just two days before election day. She remains a highly valued member of the team and 2nd Vice Chair of the Page GOP.

We also saw a significant vote of confidence for Mark D. Obenshain, Member, Senate of Virginia (2nd District) with 6,883 votes and C. Todd Gilbert, Member, House of Delegates (33rd District) with 7,061 votes. Congratulations to them both and well done to Page County republicans for their support.

Although we had a poor outcome across the state, losing the House of Delegates and failing to take back the Senate of Virginia, Page County had a commendable showing. We greatly appreciate all the hard work that was done to support this election and to achieve the above successes.

Now it is time to begin to think and plan for the upcoming Presidential, US congressional and senatorial races in 2024. It is less than a year away and we have much to do to prepare. We will need all hands on deck, working together as a team to ensure we take back our country.

As a side note – the election will be certified on Monday, 13 Nov. As of this writing, 9 Nov, there are numerous outstanding absentee ballots yet to be counted. There are also several provisional votes (approximately 45) which still need to be tallied. Bottom line, with only a 14-vote margin or .2% in the Page County Clerk of Court race between the current leader (receiving 27.9 %) and the second place (receiving 27.7 %), a decisive winner has yet to be determined.

To view the most current up to date election results, click HERE.

Thank you again for all your efforts. Now it is time to come together and look to the future of our nation.

Michael Overfelt, Page GOP Chairman